I must be insane, because I do the same thing over and over, expecting different results.
this fuckin swing
it goes back and forth
it mocks me with its
symbolism of innocence.
I am not innocent.
The metal screech
of the forwards motion
echoes the terrified
screams of my insides
when I try to give of myself
and let people in.
when I get scared
I swing back
and dig my feet in dirt.
Sometimes I get tired
I get tired of trying
The second-
the fuckin second
I leave myself vulnerable
You take a shit
on my insecurities.
There is nothing more
scary than letting new
people in your life.
Judging you.
Your name comes
out of their mouth
like word vomit
and leaves the chunks
on your reputation.
I care.
I fuckin care.
I fuckin cared about you.
Hate comes from
so I figured,
if you understood
where I came from
how deeply I feel
and the things that
make me tick
we could learn to mesh.
it made me hate you.
And myself.
Fuck me for
trying to be
a human being.
I might try again-
I might cut open
the same naive wound-
but I’ll never compromise
my honesty
for your fuckin comfort.