I saw him perform for the first time on a mild fall evening last October. I had never heard of him before, but I was immediately intrigued when I saw the promo video for the tour. As he took the stage, I fixed my gaze unswervingly on him so I wouldn't miss a word. He was a poet. Swoon. He was tall, 6'7 to be exact, funny, adorable, well spoken, relatable, and a lover of Jesus. I had to leave the show early but I couldn't get him out of my mind. I started following him on social media because I needed to know "everything" about him. I went to his spotify to save all of his playlists.This is where the cycle began. I told my closest friends (ok basically anyone who would listen) about this magical discovery. I watched every video I could find of him from anyone who had ever posted one. Yall he could also sing, play the guitar, and exegy the word of God. He was my unicorn. I was obsessed quickly. I had to watch him and check on anything he posted every single day. Stalker. In February, I hijacked my bestie and drove 3 hours to see him perform. I needed to meet him, which I didn't get to do because the show went too long and we had to get back home that same night. I needed to know if he was really real. Here I was falling in infatuation with someone I only "knew" from 2 performances and several 10 minute clips on YouTube. I unfollowed and unsubscribed from his pages to get a grip on reality. Except I unraveled and started checking his social media 10 times a day and rewatching the same videos again and again. Pyscho. So in a final ditch effort to regain my sanity, I will be purchasing a VIP ticket to do a meet and greet with him for his performance this fall. I will be awkward, giddy, and say something cheesy like "I listen to all your podcasts." I'll walk away after our picture together and he'll think "she's pleasantly strange." Ahhh fulfillment.