He is perfect to me, not in spite of his flaws, because his flaws are what makes him who he is, without them he would be someone else. He makes me want to spend every second of every day, doing everything I possibly can, just to make him smile. He took what to me was merely another 4 letter word, and finally gave it meaning. Those 3 meaningless words do not need to be spoken, it is shown in every little thing we do, it is felt with in the deepest depths of our souls. I feel it in everything, in things that once were nothing, when our eyes meet from across the room, when his hand lightly touches my cheek, when we kiss, I can even feel it in a passing thought of him. Every moment, without a doubt, I know he loves me, without having to hear the words. He will give me the feeling that some part of me, that I didn't even realize had been missing was now there, i now question how I ever lived without it, and my life, my existance finally has meaning... my world is perfect, because of his love I am whole.