Fields Of Grass
Most of my dreams regularly spawn this image of a holy field, a vast landscape golden as well as bright, I can’t help but feel free when I imagine a field of grass. It is strange to think of a field, just some random plain as a heavenly place, but it just feels right to think of a field like this.
I think this liberating fantasy comes from two places: The movie of the book 1984 and the film Lovely Bones. I recall in 1984 a scene where Winston and Julia are in a little forest off in the distance from the city and they stare out at a bright green hill. I think it was the context of the story rather than the hill itself, here you have two imperfect beings living in a horror show of a society where they are constantly being surveyed, and freedom is fantasy accept for the one before them.
Lovely Bones was a drama/thriller film in which a young girl in high school is kidnapped and brutally murdered, causing a long drama within her family to discover her killer. Soon after she dies she is transported to a place I believe to be heaven, I haven’t watched the film in a while but it is a place where she can’t escape until the kidnapper is found. As the movie comes to the climax the girl runs into a massive golden green field, once again freedom comes across my mind.
I’ll admit it’s sort of boring and perhaps to see a field as liberating, but whenever I come across one on a road trip i’m stunned by it. I find that a field entails a lot, and has several liberating aspects, I could only imagine what it would be like just to run across one without fear of running across some barrier.