Shut My Mouth
I've tried to learn to close my mouth
So shitty things don’t tumble out
It’s been suggested many times
The shutting of this mouth of mine
It is no easy skill to master
Lips race words but words move faster
The syllables like Nascar drivers
Dodging insight and saliva
Up the throat toward sweet ejection
Speeds untamed by circumspection
Through a mouth that’s always gaping
Catching air as they’re escaping
Pure emotion rips the air
Seeking what is never there
For I am a mere novelty
A unicorn, a circus freak
Just a jester, just a farce
A character, a game of cards
A welcomed break from the mundane
A place to visit not to stay
One thing that is always certain
Candor soon becomes a burden
Time to put me in my box
And close the lid and lock the locks
To play again another day
But sadly I don't bend that way
I don't include a shut up function
No filter and no power button
I can't be trained how to submit
And in a box I'll never fit
Go decorate my name with lies
Let the fans be satisfied
Wagging fingers, shaking heads
Voices loud and purpose fed
Circled round for years and miles
Scoffing both success and trial
Intent to box up flying things
And desperate to clip my wings
Release my hand to join the crowd
Growing numbers tall and proud
Failed attempts to plant their flags
Wasted efforts tying gags
All to elevate themselves
And keep me captive on a shelf
But much to their dismay they find
Sound carries from this mouth of mine
Words don't know how to stay caged
They're permanent, can't be erased
So even if I were to find
A way to shut this mouth of mine
A way to just endure the shit
Smile quietly and choke on it
My words would exit anyway
They would refuse to sit at bay
Through gestures or through slanted eyes
Closed lips won't keep them trapped inside
They are the manifested truths
They translate me for all to view
So whether it's by stroking keys
Ink to paper or boundless screams
What is me will not go dark
You can't command a fearless heart
This mouth of mine with lips so still
Won't silence what it is I feel
So don't be fooled by what you see
When quiet comes at your decree
Truth will fight and squeeze and bend
Until it knows it's message sent