Dumb Jokes
Come on, who doesn't love dumb jokes? (I can think of several people who don't but that's beside the point...) Back to dumb jokes. I like to laugh, and the best way to laugh is dumb jokes. For all you dumb-joke-lovers who like to think of dumb jokes, please do this challenge!! I will decide the winner based on funniest content and dumbest jokes. :))
Kinda funny though...
A doe walks out of the woods and says, "That's the last time I do that for two bucks!"
A dung beetle walks into a bar and says, "Is this stool taken?"
What's a pirate's favorite letter?
No, it's the sea!
A mommy shark and baby shark see a man drowning in the ocean. The baby shark asks his mom, "Why didn't the lifeguard save that hippie, Mom?"
"Because...he was too far out." :D
All the jokes about the guy with no arms and no legs...
Ex: What do you call a guy with no arms and no legs....
-in the mail box? Bill.
-in the ocean? Bob.
--by the sink? Don (dawn).
-in a pile of leaves? Russell.
-on the front porch? Matt.