If I had a word to describe every good or bad experience I would.
If I had a word to describe every passion I have I would.
If I had a word to describe all of my troubles to you... I would.
If I had a word at my disposal to describe all of my relationships of influx I would.
If I have a word to describe all of my feelings to you, and them... I would.
If I have a word to describe all of my interactions with people in a heart beat I would.
If I had a word to describe the utter emptiness I feel so deeply that reside near my chakra of the vacuumiss void I would.
If I had a word to describe all the laughter I would most certainly do with one utter.
Why am I writing this? Is it for fun? Or for exposure? Or is it to blow off steam?
I guess we’ll never know!
The real question here is... where does inspiration come from? By whom might that be? Or by what?
Whether it is OK of a poem, alright, or good.
Surly, I have been inspired.