Friday Feature?
I'm a "challenge writer" I write more for these challenges than not (I often need the inspiration--kick,) but this was one I couldn't decide on so easily. A few of my first thoughts were already done, and the rest were hard to whittle to one.
Assuming there will be other opportunities to nominate someone, I chose the first one I'd like to put in the hat to be:
I haven't been here very long and they were one of the first I followed, one of the first to follow back. I know I'm just one of 100+ but still, they take the time to like, to comment, to discuss and provoke conversation. On the prose side of things I find their writing style to be curiously interesting. Often thought provoking and a selectively twisted. Maybe the meaning, maybe the word choice, it's an adventure and I enjoy the read.
That said, if you haven't noticed, I don't even know if they're male or female-- even if the flower icon suggest a woman, I know men who like flowers too. :-p
If I can request a question to be asked, I'm most curious about the name "nonzerospin"
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