Law of One?
(1) In your research that lead you to conclude Aethism was right for you and matched your “no higher power/creator” belief system, did you ever come across “Law of One”, if so, what was your take on it?
// If you’ve never heard of it and are curious to know, I suggest the “Law of One: Ra Materials” set and or the offical website (lawofone.info) by Tobey Wheelock with permission from L/L research, as a great place to start. \\
*Point of note to all, Law of One is NOT a religion, it’s an understanding (that has been, in the past, efforted and distorted into different religions.)
As I waded through my own meandering accumulation of knowings (and the words to describe them) playing with possibilities on where to start, I found myself hyper aware of the power of the ever existing and actual, is.
“Beingness” is close to “isness” but I recognized there are ample who’d argue with me over the believability of rock beingness, yet those same people wouldn’t/couldn’t argue any given rock’s isness, for it is a rock, is it not?
Even in my asking there’s that present tense actuality of is.
Is it, or is it not? Is the rock, or is the rock not?
“Is, or is not the rock what?” I inquire back to myself, and yet by then it’s already dawned on me that the answer to that “what” question will be another is.
Tis the same way my typing is on a keyboard-- and in that, there is the isness of my typing (I am typing, it is happening,... and this may get maddening) isness of my fingers (each fingers is a finger,) isness of the keyboard, even the isness of the thoughts as I write them; gems of genius from brain to fingertips on the (isnesses that are) buttons we commonly call keys, and as I please, the isness of the time and space I’m doing it in.
I begin again, the ponderous path making of my contemplating. Stating the rock is a rock like the other rocks made of the same minerals, is true, yet incomplete from the seat of that rock, for it is the only rock that is that rock, in its current placement on the planet, in this time of me (the right now of my existing.)
When I stop resisting that isness includes rockness in the makeup (minerals) of being a rock, and also the isness of the time and space that rockness occupies, I dogmatize (settle my opinion that) “isness” is the distinction of specific existence.
Which means to me, the isness of the rock today isn’t the same as it was a million years ago. Even though our technology may be able to tell us that the rock existed a million years in the past, alas, what that technology is really telling us, is that the rock is a million years of isnesses; existences, the oldest of which may be unrecognizable if pictured next to the youngest.
Among us, the isness of the planet (Earth) similarly includes the isness of that rock I reference in my pondering. And like the rock, the isness of Earth today isn’t the same as the isness of when it first became what we call a planet.
So, I ran it in my mind again and came to realize that isness can be called the expression of existence.
The expression of existence is.
Such a whiz of wonder weighted and baited me into the next onset.
Concepts and ideas are existing things, and as things of what they are, they have and are the isness of those things in sum. From the thinking blip of their (concept and idea) existence, to the vocalized, and or printed sharing of them; each version is its own isness of the thing. Isn’t it?
Just like that, I feel and see (in my mind) all the is in all the isnesses from the subatomic particles (neutrons, protons, and electrons; pieces that harmonize together as an atomic-element; the globally culturally accepted scientific reference to the “smallest” physical building blocks of everything in our reality,) individually and in totality (complexly making me,) to the thoughts of all whom are capable of thinking; each thought its own is.
It’s almost just like staring at the grains of sand on a beach, down the coastline where the sand-made shores keep going, beyond knowing… each granule of sand that is land in air and sea, is the isness that it be.
Every particle of smoke churning from the burning end of a dried sage leaf, an isness all its own. I feel it known, the isness of the first birthed particle of smoke nearest the cherry blaze of the embered sage (leaf,) experiences its own evolution of isnesses in the rise of its hot spawning, every new height, position, and temperature a new isness; a new version of the same smoke particle, in a new time and space in its thermodynamic (flowing) race skyward.
In that envisioning, I think, isness is an example of infinity (endlessness,) for as long as there is existence there will be a continuation or evolution of the is that exists into new isnesses, new existences; like the grain of sand washed onto the shore of land to live a new life than it had in the sea.
Too, the bumble bee explorer isness that becomes new knowing versions of itself with every discovery of new territory.
In this way, I find isness is a path to understanding the natural everlastingness and truth of the stream of infinity; though not the only one...
* excerpt from my work-in-progress pocket book, "WISE I'S HAVE IT"
All who choose to believe...
I was houseless in Colorado, living in my van with my twin, 2 cats, and our -R.I.P- Grandpa’s dog when COVID-19 was first reported as a worrisome happening. A few months later, we drove to Florida one good-semaritan-filled gas tank at a time and COVID wasn’t but a whisper of “pandemic” potencial. By the end of the year, as we drove our way into Virginia, and then Illinois, the lables had been cast and mandates issued. Over the course of 2020, we would drive back and forth and around Illinois, Virginia, and Florida following unrelated deaths (stress-enduced heart-attack for one, and gun-shot to the chest for the other) in our family and our evolving fortunes, all the while doing our own research and our own personal experiements...
This year, End of January 2021, mid-pandemic and winter in full swing we began a drive from Lynchburg, Virginia to LA, California-- only masking when manditory for service, like at gas stations, eateries, and hotel lobbies-- and mostly water-washing to save our hands from sometimes unpleasant smelling soaps.
From the flats of Kansas to the gorgeous gap of the Grand Canyon and on over the mountains to LA, it was impossible for us not to notice the increasing profitable COVID paraphernalia-- masks, gloves, hand santizer-- but more glaring than that, the number of buisinesses closing down their customer-use public restrooms. Even some of the big-chain gas stations (that weren’t high-traffic truck stops) were closing their restrooms citing “COVID-19” as their reason.
My Twin and I mostly just smiled at each other, having worked in several different customer serivice industries, understood the relief of the staff/workers not having to clean those public restrooms after the (sometimes careless) consumers who use them.
We noticed the HUGE wave of increased “Order-Now” Apps for everything from food to furniture, and the push to get people using them; in some cases, even making it mandetory. Ordering Apps are a big bonus for businesses trying to manage more accurate inventories AND consumer analytics on buying habits/cycles (which allow for proper inventory and staff scaling/control and profit maximizing.)
On the consumer side, people were happy to chat about how easy and “kinda cool” it was to have their orders ready when they arrive and brought out, or sometimes delievered from places that didn’t used to do such.
Some kids loved being pulled from school to learn from home. Grocery stores loved the increased sales in.. almost everything, but especially the likes of cleaning supplies and disposible supplies, and certain house-hold necessities like our toilet paper...
People were loving to work from home and ESPECIALLY in the LA area, loving the decreased traffic, which meant for faster commutes to.. well, all across the LA area-- and surely other busy cities saw the same.
Without question, for every “bad” to be counted as caused by COVID, there seemed to be “good” gathering in equally potent ways.
While I am generally anti-vaccine for the simple fact that my mind-body-spirit complex can naturally do it better just by being mostly-happy me... yet, as members of my immediate family get vaccinated (some under the same “do your part” propoganda as much of the world) and others because their job paid them to; there’s been an array of observations and discoveries...
Whether or not you believe there is “real woo-woo crap” or not, I do and as such have had my interests satisfied with feedback shared from those practitioners of healing-energies and soul communications about the recievers of the vaccines.
In one case, there was mention of what I felt compelled to call, “Soul-Gapping” which is a term I realize really only makes sense with the context of understanding that our “Spirit/Soul” is the non-physical leading/calling force of who we are, and our emotions are our guidance system to that path our Soul is on; both as a soul, and as the individual human being (and in short, it works simply as feeling “good/better” is an indicator of being aligned with the lead of your soul, and feeling “bad/worse” is an indicator of being on a detour from the lead of your soul.)
As I understood the sharing, the vaccine was some-how initiating a “Gap” for lack of better words, minimizing and sometimes preventing communication between Soul and Mind-Body.
My first reaction was my own rationalization/reasoning that by no means, physical or non-physical, can anyone actually disconnect a soul from a body-- besides death, and even then there can be a lasting tether. So, I felt better thinking that everyone who may experience this Soul-Gap, can and will eventually return to their normal connection and communication through strong intuition and emotion.
So, as I reasoned my observations, those experiencing the Soul-Gap would also be experiencing a lull of their emotional potency. There is relief, some of it simply for being officially vaccinated in a culture where some think a legal mandate for it be necessary, but also in the increased ease of moving from one emotion to the next and not getting so stuck in the echo and loop of unresolved/balanced “emotional baggage.”
While I’ve been reluctant to actually ask probing questions of these family members and their before-vaccine emotional state and post-vaccine emotional state, I haven’t had qualm observing and feeling how almost “peppier” they seem, like a weight is continually being lifted.
I acknowledge my choice to believe such things being catalyst-all-its-own to making them my reality, and it is a good, happy, fun reality that appreciates the contrasts of COVID as a diverse tool of economy/profit boosting, emotional leveling/healing, and eye-opening.
To call attention to the opposites of the boosting, healing, and opening would be akin to turning over the coin of which they’re both faces of, and in doing so, give focus to the very side of the coin I have no interest in experiencing.
As I have driven across the country and back, to my current home-ground of Virginia, with my Twin and our health/happiness as natural immunity in tact, I’m going to continue to believe it and benifit from the bliss of that balance and how each individual, both knowing and not, has the choice of which side of the coin they’d rather experience, personally.
For my beliefs only govern my life... even if you decide/discern you believe as I do, it’s still your belief, specific to you and the context of your life experiences.
#health #prose #consciousness
* For those wanting and easier to read image of the banner, please see the link below.
Confessions of a Human Being
I have jumpped upon the Belief-Train and begun to fill it with things of my choosing, my wanting, jaunting, and the unabashed flaunting of my chosen (openly evolving) understanding of timeless knowings; the trinity of energy, vibration, and freuqncy. The things we can precieve as separate and yet also just different names of the same primeval source.
Of course, this train has no tracks but the path I hath made in my humanness. The free will sentient choice-making even so deep as the subconscious keeps of my thinks. Thought syncs with reality in the way of replay. Like ripples and echoes the universe shows me more of the likes of my thinking and feeling.
Like wheeling down the road steering within the bounds of where I want to be going, knowing if I drift in the sifting of daydreams and pondering things, I can always take active control in the roll back on the desired toll-free road.
Beholding bliss has always been as easy as this.
Kissing-sufferage as I was, I buzzed my own brain with badness like a smoke-heavy burn; in turn I couldn't see through my own zoning debris, much less believe the easy-as-can-be reality. Smelled like falacy from where I was cuz I was in my own haze of hating the life I was leading. Breathing my own shit until the choice to make a split into purpose-- right into the land of surplus! Abundance of all things best-case-scenario with a "here-we-go" cheer of intentional choosing to be loosing myself in the best feeling thoughts caught in the cataclysmic rain of my brain.
I train my mind like a grape-vine, making lines of thinking that fill the sinking with prosperity and play in the funnest of ways. Like rays of the sun I allow my shine, untainted by the hatetred, and well fed in the hundreds of wonders I appreciate in my new chosen state.
Illuminating the love I seek more of.
I want...
I want to continue choosing to be happy, even/especially when it means making up my own happy influences, ideas, and fantastical possibilities to keep the happy juices flowing.
I want to finish the book I'm writing and get it published by or before my next birthday.
I want to acquire enough monies to buy a few cases of my book so I can give them away.
I want my book to spread like wild fire-- physically and or just in the talking about its contents.
I want to get an RV so my home has more room and is still mobile with me.
I want to get some new leggings and maybe some undergarments.
I want to find my way into the movie & TV industries to offer some new narritives on our reality and the reality we're creating with the billions of us just living our lives.
I want to meet more people who understand the choice of happiness and have chosen it.
I want to meet more people who inspire philosophical conversations and consciousness expansions.
I want to have sit-down philosophical conversations with select celebrities, actors/actresses highest among them.
I want to walk (barefoot preferably) more of the earth, including the earth of other countries.
I want to hug, climb, and sit in more trees.
I want to see and swim around more waterfalls.
I want to find and acquire land, a homestead of a diverse natural ecosystem of plants and animals, and live within it-- when I'm not traveling to fullfill my other wants.
I want to meet my man, the first(maybe only) man I feel that explosion of chemistry with.
I want to be part of a consciously co-creating caravan following our collective whims on where to go next and why.
I want our consciously co-creating caravan to grow large enough to splinter into many caravans, traveling the world, being living examples of another way of life and enjoying every moment of it.
I want to bare witness to the revolution of the global social culture (details of which I'll be keeping to myself for now.)
Stupid is as Intelligence
"Stupid, I here say, is in the lacking of a know.
Show me an I not stupid and I'll laugh the liar to go."
On the scale of infinite knowledge, I'm mucking stupid.
My stupidity spans a broad range of topics; e.g. all of them.
I stupidly catch myself sometimes circling my own stupidness.
I accept my stupidity is proportional to my unawareness.
I love that occasionally my stupidness seems contagious.
I'm sure as I die I'll find my stupid marginally less.