July 30 2019
Summer Camp Journal:
Im not goeng to camp tomroe. My mom saed I hav to. I amto scared that the old kids will do the camp skit agaen. When I sat down to watsh it I dident no it would be like that. Bobby saed it wasent scary but it was. Our camp cownselr made us sit up front. Then they saed ACTION and that is where it went bad. Lily Hillmyer triped and fell. She hurt her tooth or somthin. Her fake mom had to take her to the doctrs. And it was a DENTIST!! They waeted in the waeting room and herd someone screeming! And they dident leaf! I would have leaft! Then the nurse saed the doctor will see you and Lily Hillmyer got up and went into the room. It was just a chare so she cood sit down but it was scary. The doctor saed let me see your tooth and she opned her mowth. Then he lookd in her ear! HER EAR! My camp fwends thout that was funy but I dident get it. So then the doctor saed to his assistant looks like we need to give her a trim and Lily Hillmyer says trim WHAT becaws that sownded crazey! Then I saw the doctr take owt a GIGANTIC scizsor! And he cut her hare! Her hare?! Why? What was goeng on I dont no but I started to get unconfortbl. I aksed the cownnselr to moove back but she saed no. But I moved a little back and bumpd into Bobby and he made fun of me. He’s meen. Then Lily Hillmyer said my tooth my tooth ow it hurts! And the doctor said ok it’s time and took out a big NEEDLE! I meen BIG. So big it was tawlr then him! Everyone lafed by I skreemed! Then everyone lafed agaen but at me. They are all meen. Like I saed Im not goeng bak. The doctor then poold her tooth out and there was fake blood that sgwerted everywhere! It made me feel bad! So I closed my eyes but Bobby made me put them down beecaws he coodnt see behind me with my arms like that. So I sgwinted insted. Then the doctor said Lily Hillmyer could giv it to the tooth faery. Looking like that?! It was gross. Now im scared to loos my tooth that’s loose too. Bobby saed the tooth faery isnt reel but my brothr lost his tooth last yeer and SOMEONE took it so if the tooth faery isnt reel who takes it ?! Maebe this DENTIST! No way, Im not goeng to let my teeth fall out and im not goeng to camp tomroe evn if my mom says I hav to. Today was horibl.