The hottest, sexiest, steamiest scene you can come up with in only 125 words total.
125 words total. Any hashtags included are part of that 125 words.
Bon Appétit
“I need you inside of me,” he whined, desperation clinging to his words, “please, God, I need you.”
His hunger was unbearable, but still she forced him to watch while she finished- now visibly wet and dripping onto the counter. His desire grew insatiable with each moment. He wanted to succumb to his carnality, to have just one taste. She would punish him harshly, but even that was better than this agonizing wait. She was getting closer, and he wanted her to go faster- but to rush would ruin the satisfaction of waiting. Then, she was finished. The waffle iron beeped its monotone melody. He placed her onto the table, beside his coffee and a generous bottle of syrup.
“What a great breakfast,” he thought.