High Stakes
It started with a bit of money
What we had in our pockets really
All fun and games
But the thrill of winning a hand
The thrill of being on top
It hooks you
You crave it
Need to feel it again
So you make another bet
A little bit more this time
The money that was supposed to go towards food
It's harmless really
So what if you have to skip a meal or two
but here's the thing
You don't lose
You keep on winning
And winning
And winning
Beginners luck or maybe you're just a natural
Either way the cards love you
You just can't lose
And then you do
You laugh it off
Don't panic
Not yet
You can still win it back
You've done it once, you can do it again
So you raise the stakes
It's not just cash anymore.
You bet anything you can get your hands on
Property, information, everything you have
Because you have to turn it around
But lady luck just isn't with you
The cards just won't cooperate
And then...
Then the bell rings
And it's all over
Go-fish is an unforgiving game
And the first grade classroom is an unsympathetic casino
You played until you had nothing left
I played
I played until until I had nothing left
Oh well...
Guess I'll have to borrow a pencil from Jimmy for afternoon classes