I sat on the chair and handed the Lady my resume. She scanned it and asked me what my superpower was?
Should I tell her what it really is? I had a better idea. Why not go ahead and show her.
I asked her to give me a minute to get ready. She looked at me with a serious and puzzled expression.
While she waited, I snapped my fingers. That’s all it took for my superpower to come to effect.
I smiled and took a bow. She asked me what my superpower was- again. I sighed and spinned around.
Ah, it finally worked. This superpower likes to play tricks on me. She got up from her seat and clapped.
I chuckled and told her ‘‘it was nothing.’’ She then noticed that I was wearing a sunflower pattern dress. The one that she had on when I stepped into her office.
She stopped to check what she had on. I smiled. She looked great in a silver suit.
samedi, 7 septembre, 2019. ©