Knathaniel Holmes (a backstory)
My name is Knathaniel, although my friends call me Ethan.
Well, as in FRIENDS, I mean FRIEND. As in FRIEND, I mean DEBORAH.
She’s the only one of my classmates who doesn’t mind sitting with me at lunchtime.
People say I’m autistic, or that I’m going crazy. I’ve heard that I have an overactive imagination, and that I’m just plain weird. Yeah, I hear voices in my head; some are high, some are low. And, sometimes, my ears will stop working and get lost in the soundtrack of my mind. Occasionally my eyes will shut from the inside to watch movies constructed of altered events of my day, but I’m a sixteen-year-old highschooler. Isn’t all that stuff normal? I just have a different perspective than most kids, but, then again, I live in a town where everyone has their own odd tendencies. I may or may not have told anyone about the strange stuff I see going on everyday, and they may or may not have believed me. I may or may not have fallen into a black hole, and I may or may not have seen my homework get abducted by aliens. I feel that I just don’t fit in sometimes. Maybe I really am going crazy.