Cure for the Hiccups
This afternoon I contracted a terrible, horrible case of the hiccups. Please send me your most creative hiccup-cures! Poetry, prose, fiction, nonfiction, all welcome.
Ever tried the eye-watering onions to stop the non-stop hic-cup?
No? Then you should..
Since I was a kid.. My parents discovered that I am a victim to these intensely painful quacking..
You know what's more amazing? I start a fit of hiccups if I am laughing too hard- think of it in the middle of a class joke!
I tried gulping down bottles of water, holding my breath for two, three, four minutes.. Didn't help.
My mother , one day found this magazine with the cure for hiccup in it. It said "Chew a piece of onion. You will feel at ease within minutes.."
Well. I tried it the next time and okay.. I got the results. The hiccups stopped!