I don't know what to say
or how to say it
but I need to say something.
sitting in the hospital
holding your hand
I couldn't help wondering
how you managed to change the world in a year.
I guess I'm not saying it right
but everyone lives
in their own little world.
to change the world,
not everyone needs to know your name.
not everyone has to know what you did.
but, N, you touched us all.
you changed lives.
you changed your family's
you changed your teacher's
you changed your friend's.
I was reminded of this today
as we celebrated your life.
fifteen years
isn't a long time
but your fifteen years?
you have made an impact.
fifteen years
is millions of smiles
fifteen years
is thousands of laughs
fifteen years
is hundreds of arguments won.
I sat there remembering
your unruly hair
and your unforgettable smile
but most of all, I realized
how much you meant to all of us.
I got a year with you
I don't know why
but I will always be greatful for that year.
As I spoke to A today
we discussed how
it never took long for you to make an impact.
I guess I just want to thank you
for yours.
Thank you N,
for changing my world.