Challenge of the Week CXL
Inspiration. Write about the thing that most inspires you. Or the last time you were inspired. Or something to inspire us. Write about inspiration. Fiction or non-fiction, poetry or Prose.
Thoughts of you, endlessly.
Looking up at you now,
I see nothing, but
Beauty and inspiration.
Yet spending all of my time consuming you does not make me more inspiring,
Only inspired.
I think of you,
And I can escape the dull beating of my life
For a moment.
Holding you here in my arms,
I know that you are further away than I imagine you to be--
But I need a hit.
Through you,
I cling to what I can of the person I want to be.
I never said I wanted this,
I myself would like to be inspiring.
No longer engulfed in juvenile affection.
But I am this.