it’s like taking candy from a baby, so hold on to it tightly.
what do we know about death
when we barely know anything
about ourselves?
Whether or not you believe
there is life after death
an eternal bliss,
or an eternal punishment,
I think there is worse.
our most vulnerable beings-
are robbed of their creativity.
Of their energy
and of their happiness.
The school system
strips us of original thought.
Students are "encouraged"
to think outside of the box
But when have history courses
taught a history other than the one
written by the victor
and why don't English courses
encourage reading works
by ethnically and ideologically
diverse authors?
School doesn't teach you
how to live,
unless living
is conforming to jobs
that are ideal
in a capitalist society.
What happened to dreams?
What happened to passion?
The ultimate demise
isn't the loss of the
temporary vessel
you call your body;
it is the loss of the light in your eyes.
The joy in your heart,
and the creativity in your soul.
image: source unknown