At night:
Children are filled with fear.
”There are monsters in our room!“ They cry real tears.
”They are hiding under our beds!”
“One more story! Don’t leave!” They beg.
The parent gives in.
The story never ends.
This fear is real, it is not pretend.
It‘s a trip to the bathroom, then it’s a drink.
Even if it’s water from the bathroom sink!
”We can’t be alone!”
They swear they can hear the monsters groan.
”Now they’re in the closet! We can hear the door creek.”
As the parent goes to leave, they continue to weep.
Finally, the children fall asleep.
Until tomorrow night, the monsters will be back.
Yes, of couse!
“These monsters will attack!”
During the day their rooms are safe.
But at night?
Their rooms become a monster filled cave!
”They have claws and sharp teeth, they will eat us up!“
Yet, only in the dark.
Or, until they grow up.
By Benz
© 11-3-18