I write...
I write to feel. To understand my emotions and to process them in a healthy way.
I write to understand. To gain perspectives of both the writer (myself) and the reader (as if reading from another point of view).
I write to channel creativity. To express myself in a different way. One that teaches me to be more particular and careful about the words that I use, which can be a challenge nontheless.
I write to fulfill a need for organization in my head. A need to decipher which thoughts and ideas deserve a place in this world and those in which I need to dismiss.
I write to remember. For a chance to some day review my old thoughts to compare to an older version of myself. For reflection on my life's journey of moments that I considered successful and those I did not.
Finally, I write to have a voice. A voice that sounds different from my own. One that is not interpreted by the way in which it resonantes in the air but the way each reader interprets it in their head.