Within the Grand Patchwork of All Things Present exists a Primordial Point...
Amongst a quantum sea of Light...
An Absolute Truth, from which all creation & knowable reality initiates...
The scintilla being, an archetypal entity...
The blinding light of the Zero Point...
Eso to Exo permeating every atom within our beings, unreceptive to its sight...
The Source of Being, fountain of Life,
Returning to itself, forgetfulness, the state of all things...
Undifferentiated Awareness, a ground of superlative pure light...
A vacuum state of consciousness, devoid of all Awareness...
Meditative quisience, leading to contemplative involution...
A concept of how qualified and frail the Universe is... The want or need to diverge or liberate oneself from it, is believed...
Silence stands for blindly accepting the rules of existence...
Intolerance and intransigence, aspects of man’s corruption...
Some instinctively crave that Cosmic cinema... The Gag-reel theatre... In this void, the blinding kaleidoscopic luminescence of mystery... Our deepest nature arises spontaneously...
Radiating like waves from seas of crescendo... Without separation...
Instantly recognising the unified essence,
Frequencies not perceived... A valid corpearality that is only ever inches away...
Access to transcendental world’s and primordial insight...
Anything imagined...
Manifested into conception....
Producing forms and forms producing vibrations, clearly perceived in abstract visual fields... Up through the toroidal centre...
Colours of an ultra violet white & pink carouseling...
Self-actualizing journey to the centre...
The self is where we find the whole æthyr...