little sadnesses.
we feel our sorrow
most acutely
in the absence
of the little things
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Excellent observation.

@QQ unfortunately, it was. my Google photos updated an album, and automatically added a picture of my dog. at first i was instinctively happy, just because a cute photo is a cute photo, and maybe it was an older one i didn't remember about, but no. it was one from the night before last, and then i realized there'd be no more cute photos. it was also seeing his paw prints in the snow, pouring out his water bowl for the last time, not seeing him on his bed when i walked past, and wondering where he was when i thought i hadn't seen him in a while. it was everything. i still don't want to believe it, though i know deep down how final and ultimate this all is.

@QQ that it is, but i thank you for caring regardless of anything else <3