Hope... It's something I wish I had. We all start in the world demanding and needy, it's a survival skill. It just ever so happens that in my life, pride isn't acceptable. Being american raised by a cishet normative society, I never fit in. People born with XX chromosomes mature faster because society demands that we be better than men to be their equals. But no matter how hard a person may try to live the ideal american dream, something comes along to destroy everything.
I've been hurt by many people. Because that, I was a cruel child, not wanting to be hurt to taken advantage of ever again. I worked to fix it, I just wanted to feel like I was fitting in. I was depressed going into 4th grade (year 5 for the people of the UK), at the time nobody believed me when I said it. They didn't believe me until I gave them a reason to, I told my mom about how I was harmed sexually as a child. Her mind was immediately changed on the matter.
Because in her mind, only a person who has suffered can be depressed.
She had puberty depression, I was just born with the natural dissposition for it. Not that she didn't have other reasons, but that's not my story to tell.
I'm sorry, that I can't write you something of hope. I don't think I'll ever grow out of my anxiety or depression. In all honesty I think it's getting worse, I'm honestly not sure how I managed before my meds, but I know that I need an up in the dosage. Thank you for finding and giving this hotline to those who need it, I know I do.
I don't want to die, but sometimes I feel it's the only escape from the pain. The only reason I haven't is because I'm worried I'll just be hurt when I'm not even around it witness it. When I imagine passing, I also think of what my mother would do. I feel if I died, my corpse would be defiled and my mother would condone it as a punishment for being so weak.
I don't want to die.
I don't want to hurt myself.
I don't want to be sad all the time.
But it's not a choice I have. So, thank you. Your words mean so much to me, I-just thank you. I'm not a hopeful person, I truly don't believe I'll get any better. But people like you make it worth sticking around.
Thank you.