I’m Sorry
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry if I went too fast and too urgently.
I'm sorry if I messed up.
You see, I'm just worried we will miss what we have right now. We will never get this moment, this chance again. And I don't want to miss out on all the amazing places it could take us. Down the alleyways in Rome, to the island in the clouds, to somewhere only we can go.
I - I'm sorry.
Please forgive me.
I understand if you don't. Maybe it was selfish of me to go fast, to act as if you wanted to glimpse the possibilities. Perhaps I should have let you breathe, let us stabilize, before rushing to the next idea.
I know you won’t see this, and if you do, it’ll probably be too late, but please know, I do mean it. I am sorry.
I’m sorry.