Deserves to Be Told
I want you to read your old writing. It might be stuff you abandoned, forgot about, or just had to many spelling/grammar errors. Freshen it up, and publish it here. I don't care if it's just a chapter, or the beginning of something. Don't forget to tag me!
the ripples
isn't it funny
how every l i t t l e
thing can make
a big ripple
we are ponds
you know and
each word can come
like a punch to the gut
or a thread of joy
and isn't it weird that
every person
has s o m e t h i n g
no one has nothing
going on its always
there are no
we are all here
and each person
i see
does things
cause they exist
in their own
lives in their
own ponds
and i toss my own
rocks at them
do you see
the ripples