Mis-Education of the 21st Century
What is this many speak of, about and die for freedom?
Is it sovereign will or the ability to get a good education by Carpe diem?
When will we realise that we face 21st century problems with outdated medieval thinking?
Outside of the lines colouring this is gonna be requiring.
The past is a foreign country they have always done things differently there.
If we make every attempt to increase our knowledge and use it for humanity’s good
It will make a big difference in us and our world, I know it could,
But the system churns out so many bookworms but creates few street smarts,
Kids who can’t fend for themselves but excel at Math and the Fine Arts
Can’t cook a proper meal or wash dishes but build drones that are bionic
They train us in a fashion which is robotic no wonder why so much of us are neurotic
Everything we learn is taught in parts and pieces to our detriment
Then we ponder why our thinking is in different fragments
Even though we should be sound in the fundamentals
We’re lacking something very, very crucial
The basic skills, the essential knowledge necessary for our own survival
Until we can fully apply theories that we’re taught to internalize
Concepts will remain just that as we once again fail to visualize
The practical elements of our studies that can be actualize
We push this generation to this education that is so compartmentalized
We stuff them with it and we don’t know or realise
What this education is doing to the heart inside them.
Until then the Mis-education of the 21st century will perpetuate unrecognized.
(c) A. Williams, 2016
#Mis-Education of the 21st Century