I’m Ready
My skull is a cage
With a broken lock.
The key fits-
But the door isn't opening.
Pressure's building up
I'm ready to explode
In a fury of
"What if's" and "could have's"
I'm tired of fighting
I'm tired of falling
Giving up has never sounded so blissfully sweet
Yeah, I'm putting one foot in front of the other
But what is that worth when the enveloping mass of black is nipping at my heels
Threatening to swallow me whole
A fistful of pills
A hand gun
A razor blade
Has never looked so inviting
There's not much fight left
And it's a lost cause I've given up on
It's not a matter of "if" anymore
It's a matter of "how long" and "how soon"
Please hurry
So I can be over with
Obliterated to nothing
How long until I can return my life energy to something that actually matters?
I don't matter.
This doesn't matter.
I'm done.
I'm lost.
I'm over with.
Finish me, please.
I'm ready.
Take me now
I'm waiting for the code word
Signaling when it's time to end
I'm tired of fighting this fight that's never ending
I'm done with hurting and I'm done with hurting others just take me now so I can give up. I'm ready, I promise.
I'm ready.