it this just me or..
do y’all ever just think of dates or numbers or people that you’ve never met and your brain just decides “YES, THAT ONE. IMPORTANT NO IDEA WHY BUT. THAT”
it happens to me a lot
the other thing is a super developed space in your mind where you could say your mind’s version of you “lives”
kinda like lucid dreaming while you’re awake/extremely powerful meditation
speaking of dreams, are consistet recurring dreams from around the age of 8 normal? like, how would i remember a dream from then? or something i havent had in at least 5-7 years that i suddenly have again, but only really pay attention to it being a recurring dream once i’m awake again. my recurring dreams are apparent to me because i remember them more than my normal dreams, and, of course, i feel like i’ve been there before. Especially that one dream. It’s a nightmare but you get my point. I was like, 8 when i first had that dream. And i still remember it perfectly, and only recently has it stopped being one of the dreams I have a lot.
does this happen?
is this just psychic game struggles or what,,?