where reality is a nothing
we found strength
in the darkest corners of the world
where the light meets
the wind and all time is zeroed.
the earth where colors appear black
and white and nature is frozen
the seconds tick by.
the stillness charged our hollow bodies;
our insides smeared and slathered on the
floor like butter on burnt toast.
all crevices full of emotion
we. stand. as. one.
there is no you or i
where reality is a nothing.
suspense binds our souls
and we drift:
we are slow
we are sagging
we are everything
we will soon cease to be anything
where reality is a nothing.
sounds and shapes slip away
a blank wall shields us all
we feel empty.
we are overflowing.
they are disappearing.
you are disappearing.
i am disappearing.
because in the end
there is nothing