Top Things Mature Guys Hate about Girlfriends
I think some mature men don’t like the idea of having a “girlfriend” because a lot of women give us a bad rap. I was talking with a male friend the other day about how he can’t stand his friends’ girlfriend. She’s always nagging and holds him back from hangin’ with the boys. You hear this situation quite often. When do you ever hear the reverse?
I’m sure there are two sides to every situation, he is hearing from his mature guy friend that his girlfriend is nagging, but just maybe….she’s not nagging at all, and he actually would prefer to hang with his girl than the mature boys that night and is too chickin’ to tell his buds. Or he is a wimp and doesn’t tell his girlfriend how much he wants to hang with his boys and plans another evening with her. So I would say, never assume what you hear is accurate.
And if she is his “girlfriend”, then he should really respect her and not speak poorly of her. The way I see it, it takes two. She is either nagging for a reason, or he lets that behavior happen. Right?
I went to a party the other night, and was hanging with a few friends; 3 male and 1 female. I told them about this article that I read recently on Date Daily, “Can you guess the top 6 things mature guys hate about girlfriends?“. I thought I would see if they had the same answers as this writer from this article. (who by the way is male…so that may give you some perspective.)
I received answers like; “She doesn’t put out” and “She’s jealous when he talks to other women”. One guy did say “lack of freedom”. That would be my FIRST guess. This is exactly where sayings like; “ball and chain” come from. I don’t think I have ever heard a woman saying she feels like she has a ball and chain with her mature man. Have you? Ok, maybe Samantha on Sex and City, but that’s it!
So if I had to guess my top three choices of why mature guys hate girlfriends they would be:
1. Lack of freedom
2. She tells him what to do.
3. Women talk too much.
As for the writer from the article on Date Daily, here are his Top 6 Things Guys Hate about Girlfriends:
1. You’re a dictator
“From telling him that he should change his shirt to lecturing him on why he needs to put the Doritos down, most men don’t enjoy being treated like children”
2. You keep him from his boys
“All guys like to have a morsel of freedom and the minute you take that away from him, you’re going to feel the wrath of his bitterness.”
3. You talk too much
“Remember: If he hasn’t said a word in five minutes, it’s because he’s tuned you out and has no interest…”
4. You focus on money
“Every man’s biggest fear is that you’re only with him to cash in…”
5. You flirt with other men
“Guys like to feel safe in a relationship and if you are constantly making him feel small by talking to other men when they come on to you, he will feel like you are not loyal.”
6. You think guys want to be your “friend”
“No one said men were perfect, and at this age, we don’t need any female “friends,” we need sex, and if we can get it from you, boyfriend or not, we’ll try to.”
Personally, I know I would make a fantastic girlfriend because:
a. I also like my freedom to hang with my girls and do my own thing.
b. I plan to make my own million, so I don’t need his money.
c. I am all into PDA, so my man will feel safe with me.
: )
References: Philippines Mature Czech Mature Sweden Mature Thai Mature Japanese Mature Russian Mature Puerto Rico Mature Spainish Mature Canadian Mature American Mature