I'm turning 14 in a month, what should I know?
Bro what should I know. Is there a secret code to punch into the birthday candles. I gotta be prepared my dudes.
The Day I Turned Twelve
I used to long to be grown.
I used to want to wander into the world alone.
But, I finally found the great unknown
The day I turned twelve.
I used to be shy, but then again,
I used to be mean just to fit in.
But, I finally appreciated the skin I was in
The day I turned twelve.
The year, the moment, the day I turned twelve,
My connection with God grew deeply heartfelt.
I longed more than ever to just be myself.
I lunged to go for it instead of regret.
I knew in my soul I would ever be young.
No longer longing to do something wrong.
Enjoying each note of my life like a song.
The day I turned twelve.