That Song
That song. You know what song I'm talking about, the one that you can't stop listening to, the one that you restart from the beginning the second it ends so it never does, until you know every single word by heart and belting out the lyrics to it comes as easily as taking a breath. What song is that for you? What song makes you feel happy, or sad, or any strong emotion that makes you want to never stop listening?
This challenge is a monarchy, and please tag me in the comments! :)
That song
You know that song
The one you let listen to you
The one that's always on your mind
Because he's the one inside of it
The song he picked out
Because it reminded him of you
The song you found when he left
The lyrics incantations you chant to bring him back
The vibrations straying from the bass his heartbeat
The one song where the falsetto is the truth of cries.
That song you sing from your eyes and not your mouth.