The Walking Question
Why do you walk funny?
To be fair, that's when I'm unlucky - when people don't know how else to phrase their question. Other times it goes along the lines of:
What's wrong with your legs?
Did you get into an accident involving your legs?
I understand that as humans we are a race of curious beings. However, there are better ways to phrase questions involving physical "disabilities!" Yes, it IS a physical disability - but I DON'T consider myself "disabled."
I hate answering this question simply because I feel it raises too many other questions. I feel like no matter how I explain the answer, it will be thrown out of proportions and taken in far more extreme measure than it is in reality.
Often times, I face this question a lot, considering people ARE curious as to why I walk a bit differently. Of course, I'm willing to answer, and happy to do so, even though I hate the question itself. I hate trying to find an answer so that the inquirer doesn't jump to the wrong conclusions about me. And the wondering that is left afterwards - how has their perspective of me changed, now that they know the truth?