I Love You
I enjoy our conversations
I love it when you smile
As you look at me, it's wonderful to see your beautiful eyes
I love when you clearly express your anger and what exactly makes you angry
I'm sorry I don't listen to you sometimes
I won't get mad if you make a mistake sometimes
You inspire me
Youre my best friend
Each of your wrinkles tells me that youre hiding gathered wisdom over the years
I'm glad to hear your voice humming while you shower
Your scars remind me of your individual experiences, evoked emotions and strength
I forgive you for the mistakes you made because you didn't know any better
The tears that you shed reveal how deep you can go within yourself
I love kissing your whole body from head to toe
I have always been there for you and I will help you to accomplish everything you want
Thank you for taking care of me.
Now repeat this all aloud each morning as you look in the mirror!