What Makes Me Feel Less of A Woman
What made me feel like less of a woman
Started when you told me I was too stiff
You complained I never let go
And when I did
For you
You treated me like a whore
What made me feel less of a woman
Was when you told me
I’m doing it wrong
And that it turns you off
When I felt
The most vulnerable
What makes me feel less of a woman
Is when I lie in bed
And take it everytime
And I pretend like I enjoy it
I wish I did
I felt like less of a woman
When you looked at other woman
Flirted with them
Spoke about them
And got mad at me
When I told you, it upsets me
I felt less of a woman
When you told me to dress up for Valentine’s Day
And said nothing about how I looked
I spent hours for you
I felt less of a woman
When that same day
You drove me in a circle
Only to drop me off at home
Without a flower
Without a gift
I felt less of a woman
When I worked so hard to make you a that dish
And you only at a bite
And pushed it away
I felt less of a woman
When I worked so hard to make you a gift
And you didn’t even say thank you
You ignored my birthdays on purpose
What makes me feel less of a woman
Is when I gave you these parts of myself and more
But to you
It was worthless