Born in the factory, and onto the supermarket shelves...the journey’s been long.
Now I sit dormant, waiting for my life to begin. I’m all white and soft, as my other friends. But, my closest companion is a light brown roll, she never speaks, just stays with me. I could mistake her for a lifeless being.
Every once in a while, one of us begins a life.
Today’s my turn.
After all the rolls ahead of me, I’m finally first in the queue, waiting to be picked up.
I’ve only heard stories about what happens once you’re adopted.
You get to meet your destined best friend (for some reason, they’re always brown), you pass into the “vortexo toile flush-i-on ” with them, holding hands, where you both melt into one. Once you’re all gone, the hollow, lifeless roll that kept supporting you through all your life, through the valleys, through the troughs, always with dumped.
She will reincarnate into something beautiful someday, if she’s one of the fortnate ones to be recycled. As for me, I had a great run.
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