Prose Challenge of the Week.
Write 500 words or less, using the following sentence as your beginning line “A cacophony of shadows, and all I feel is fear”
The winner will be determined by the most bookmarks and shares collectively. The winner receives $50 at the end of the challenge, one week from today.
you’d be surprised by what’s inside.
A cacophony of shadows
and all I feel is fear
Survival instincts
seek peace within the chaos
My name is engraved on
this Demon's rolls
His hands carefully fastened
around my throat,
seducing my
"fight or flight" response.
enigmatic fingers
Stroke their way down,
caressing the G-spot
My heart is beating in my ears.
He makes it come
every time.
A glutton for punishment;
hell bent on self-destruction.
An orgasm of anxiety
secretly enjoying a cold sweat.
asking for relief,
but silently desiring more.
This is my normal.