I’m tired. Not tired after a long day at work tired. Not tired like after a hard work out tired. Those tireds are the good kind of tired that makes you smile at the end of the day when you put your head on the pillow tired. No I’m the kind of tired were getting out of bed in the morning takes every single ounce of effort you have. This is soul tired. Tired of having to be the sole bread winner. Tired of having to make all of the decisions. Tired of doing all of the chores, refereeing the kids fights. Tired of paying all the bills, moving the car and putting out the garbage. Be grateful people say. Count your blessings, think of all who don’t have a job, a family, a car. I am grateful, I’m grateful for all I have it doesn’t change how I’m tired of doing this thing called life without someone to share the burden, the joy, the love. Pay me no mind, I’m just tired. Tomorrow will be a better day.