i swear i'm not lonely
i'm not.
i'm not.
i'm not lonely.
i'm not...
missing you -
or your quirkiness,
your prescence,
your words.
i'm not.
i swear.
and those aren't
t e a r s
that you see,
welling up in my eyes.
i'm not overjoyed
to see you -
i'm really not.
and i'm certainly
not shaking, so... afraid.
i'm not.
and those sniffles -
i'm not crying.
just... allergies?
because why would i cry
upon seeing you?
why would i,
being apart from you so long?
why would i?
it wouldn't be because i'm lonely.
no - it wouldn't.
i swear, i'm not lonely.
i'm not missing you, either.
believe me.
i'm not... lonely.
and i don't -
i don't miss you.
i'm just... sad.
but not because you aren't here -
no, of course not!
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