The Doldrums of Life
To want more than the everyday list of accomplishments.
Congratulations you woke up,
got dressed,
kept the kids alive.
Choosing comfort
and over
and over.
Comfort turned to complacency.
Sacrificing more than you ever should.
Only now beginning to understand the weight you've been carrying.
Pretending it's baby weight.
Modeling yourself as the Madonna of motherhood.
The ultimate saint
you decided to martyr your soul for the mistakes of your 20s.
This is your broken life.
Gathering the pieces everyday
sticking them together with makeup, hair spray, clothes, heels,
until you disintegrate back into the million broken pieces
only to do it again tomorrow.
Is there anything stronger
more permanent
you wonder as you stare into the mirror
Worrying constantly what will happen when your children leave.
You will have nothing but your ugly,
barren unfulfilled soul to greet you every morning.