There are so many deplorable things about you and everything about you that I could only come up with three admirable traits. I'll say them sporadically since I have to be nice throughout this piece. I'd explain why I hate you to these nice people but I'll let them have some speck of you being a salvageable human who just has done some terrible things. I'd love to say this is the last thing I'll ever write about you but you are still a piss stain on my memory that soaked and ruined seven years of my life. It's hard to pull inspiration from a picture without acknowledging the crap on top of it.
I digress. I'll say nice things now since I'm always up for a challenge. Though you corrupted the words of every leader you admired, you did have a good grasp of black history. You opened my eyes to things I would've never thought of and led me to understand another side of a culture that I admire. Of course, Elijah Muhammad was nothing like Muhammad, but I knew that before you. You were a decent father when you were there, and your kids loved you. I'm sure you abusing their mother and leaving out of their lives completely created some damage that they'll have to unpack later, but I digress again since I'm trying to be nice.
Talking towards you again has brought up a sea of hatred that I forgot the original third nice thing I had. But, I think the best thing about you is that you're gone. You aren't going to abuse my aunt anymore. You have to tell people what you did every time they ask what happened to your neck, and you have to recount a girl you molested finding and shooting you. You aren't going to be looked at with anything other than contempt and disgust in my family. If I have my way, you won't be looked at positively by anyone ever again. I hope to never see you again.