who’s it going to be?
i admire and look up to many great people: Beethoven, Louis Armstring, John Steinbeck, Kurt Vonnegut, Itzhak Rabin, David Attenborough...stop! this is not about who i admire! it's about who i'd want to be...
I have a friend. known him for years. he is probably the most positive person I know. he is gifted in almost everything. he is handsom, and not shy about it. he is happily married.
but strangely what is so inspiring about him is he appreciates things.
i remember working beside him once. very late , and we had to finish a presentation. we ordered sandwiches. oddly he ordered mineral water instead of the vital ,crucial fix of sugar and caffein that i was sure he also needed.
i asked him, when were esting, why didn't he order a soda or even a beer.
he gave me such a beautiful explanation, not why my choice was bad, but why water at that time, was so pure and cool and goes down your throat so perfectly. i wish i took notes. i have seen him drinking other things. but the way "sold" that water. was just amazing , and i completely regretted getting the coke. i think he has an underlying talent, to appreciate things more deeply than i could ever do. it allows him to take choices that will seem trifle to me, but ultimately would be the better ones. this talent, allows him to break down complicated tasks , and succeed and excell in all that he does. he is kind and sensitive for other people, and feels empathy perhaps in a deeper way. thst is who i would want to be, if just for a while..