Broken Containers and WebMD
I would like to write this so that if I die and the coroner just slaps a COVID sticker on me and ships me to the morgue, someone will know the real reason I died. I love bleu cheese, especially the homemade kind that is made at this bar and grill near my house. We often have the containers in the fridge for awhile of the bleu cheese sauce that I adore so much, though we often get new ones and toss the old ones in typical, middle-class American fashion. This time that we ordered, I forgot to specify that I wanted bleu cheese eith my chicken (we do this so often that it didnt even dawn on me to ask). Luckily we had some from the week before.
I noticed the crack om the container when I first took it out but figured it was fine after a Whiff Test in typical poor college student fashion. I commenced to dig in, dipping chip after chip in the bleu cheese. It was going fine until a chip dredged up a film of mold. Now, bleu cheese is obviously all mold, but this was black mold lucking beneath the surface of typical bleu cheese mold. I obviously did not continue to eat it and threw the container away.
And now, several hours later, I feel death looming over me. I have googled all that one can google about eating black mold, and after temperature checks and drinking water and a healthy dose of prayer, I feel as though my asymptomatic misstep will kill me at any moment. In the event that this too shant not pass soon enough, you now know why I died.