Thoughts for Prose
1. No member fee ever ;)
2. Own Profile Page for each of us to explore their own unique styles
3. News page (especially good for newcomers)
4. More feedback from members - I am on another writing site where feedback is second nature and I tell you it is one thing that really keeps me going back there.
5. Featured Authors.
6. A page for tips / advice.
7. Competitions are fabulous but perhaps some more in line with 'the craft' of writing, for example 'write a scene that has more than two purposes to push the storyline further' or, write a scene with compelling dialogue.
8. An easier way to discover members and what interests them in writing.
9. I like prose I really do but I feel it somewhat isolates you from other members because we don't really get to know / see much about them.
10. A better front/landing page.
Cheers guys X