Jan. 18, 2021
Oh man, I am so happy I started keeping this journal last fall. It’s been a new year for a whole 18 days and seems to be starting out the way it ended, straight up bullshit. On the bright side though, Trump is out of the office finally; I could not put up with that man 4 more years, fuck that. On the other hand, I can’t wait to see what the idioit in office is going to do with their power.
Now, enough about that shit, I wanna talk about the real reason I cracked open this book, the beautiful soul we lost today. She had such a wonderful heart, she was spunky, white haired, and funny as hell. She had everyone’s hearts and even still does. She was so famous and worth like $80 Million. I will forever be sad that this beautiful lady is not on this Earth anymore.
To top it all off last week the nation went under lockdown because nobody has any idea how to keep disease away from one another. Although, maybe after this, everyone will learn a lesson from all their mistakes, all of them. I won’t be holding my breath on that one though. Everyone knows how Americans can be; “f-r-e-e-d-o-m!!”
I think the only like 2 good things about this lockdown are that my boyfriend is still working (remotely of course) and I get to spend all the time in the world with Milo and Bear, our two bernese mountain dogs. I’m going to be walking them, playing with them, working on our competition routines, loving them, all in our backyard away from people obviously.
Anyway, I hope next week springs better news. Maybe I’ll figure out a book idea or something. Who knows what this quarentine will bring, hopefully not another 15 pounds! Write later!!