heartbreak, forgetting, and learning to live again.
razor curving 'round calves,
up lavender thighs.
mix-tapes in the drawer,
pulsing with crackling strings.
rotund shoulders roll,
pulling back;
chin up.
tuesday's are beethoven's.
aloe swept over forehead
when the the rays
are fiercer than
bones collapsing in the bathtub.
standing on hard water;
balancing act
with arms in surrender.
garden shears for overgrown
locks on the iron gate.
sold love to the pawn shop
down 7th street
because spoons are missing
and the pillow is cold.
two-cent thoughts left on the stove
whilst the fires
swallow last winter's ashes.
red honey swims down the panes
of this closed door
as the carpet burns palms.
(12July2020 2:24PM)
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