Silent Conversations
Only rules is there must be a silent conversation in your work. (Or your work can be about silence.) Conversation can be within yourself or with another person or people that aren’t you, but it can’t have spoken dialogue.
Tiny Conversation
“When were you going to tell me you were pregnant Anna?” his voice in a hushed tone.
One of the men robbing the bank was courteous enough to let her lie on her back during the heist since she told him she was expecting.
Simon had no clue she was expecting. She knew he would never have a clue because she wasn't going to disclose that she wasn't keeping the little gift.
“Seriously?” her eyes disappear into her head.
“Well, will you marry–” his eyes heavy.
“Hey, lovebirds no talking during the heist!”
Simon raises his hands in cooperation his head placed firmly on the bank floor thinking about a name for the baby.
It would be three more hours of the heist and only one casualty.