Trust the process
Your office is fine, the music in the waiting room however could be changed beCAUSE IT MAKES ME ANXIOAAAAAAAAUS
THAT NEW AGE SPIRITUAL BULLSHIT MAKES ME THINK LESS OF MY MEntal health; please don’t take offense to that it is me trying to escape what I forgot I was talking about and I get so sleepy after all the EFFORT that goes into ALL THE TALKING MYBRAINMWANTSTODO and I am so tired of pain. I am so tired of pain. I am tired of forgetting why my face hurts. I am an embarrassment.
trust the process
I have been praying more
trust the process
No one sees me
trust the process
I am so LONELY
trust the process
you would not be able to eat or shit properly. Worth it? Trust the process
waiting room music is different, and everything in it which remained the same is now some how... more like the essence of someone; including ‘trust the process’.
life is shitty, like each bad thing is in actual equivalencies of measurement of how we view it. One shitty thing = 1 turd & vice verse.
do your shoes stink?
is your car full of shit? your kitchen? your house? where you sleep?
is where you sleep full of shit?
add up a quick snapshot of life age birth to current things with shit on them.
Are you hostile because you are trying to do everything every one THI*NKS you should, but can’t
trust the process
my 200 to do lists are scattered everywhere I don’t know how to start because I don’t know why I am doing what I am doing or how to process steps I took for granted my whole life
trust the process
Fine, I am decluttering my shit collection
trust the process
God help me be less like me
trust the process
I don’t want to be broken anymore
trust the process
talk to me so I understand you, please. say all the things I need to hear and when I ask, answer me honestly and tell me if I am doing it right. I have to trust you now because I am on a tightrope and what’s behind me is on fire my brain is on fire.
trust the process
I am doing this all on my own now, why am I still coming here?
trust the process
I got it. I found this small bit of self
dry like a shredded twine around kindling anXIOUS TO BLOW UP OR FLICKer but please everything around me had become tinder and if I spark up I may cause a fire can you help me now?
trust the process
im so tired im still so tired but I am here. I am here
trust the process
I got this list of behaviors I don’t know why I do
trust the process
I am changing
trust the process
I am NOTHING I thought I was and everything I never expected yet it is neither constant or comfortable ever
I am a good person even when I failed and I do.. A LOT
I am decent, and my faith may be different then yours but its FINE
I can have an opinion and not feel like someone either hates me or is gonna kill themselves because I am learning my words yet NONE of them seem right from my voice instead of writing
Trust the process
How long will this be?
Look at where you are, something must be happening that is ‘right’ or you would be way less.