Dragon in me.
I allowed my fears
Too turn into reality
No ones fault but my own
For ignoring my signs
I began to fade away
With every breath I took
Slowly releasing each
warning sign.
From the vague conversations
The desire to show my real
Self got locked away
In a blackout dungeon
Turning my “I’m fine”
Or the biggest lie of all “i am doing great”
Falling into the firey cauldron
Creating the poison
I devoured daily
Making each flashback more vivid
Making a bed of hot rocks to sleep
Losing to the poison after releasing the burning lava in my stomach
Coughing up my fire breath that’s turning everything into an ashy gray standstill
Flurries of guilt, shame, regret and pain on the ground becoming STAGNANT
SUCKING the love & light from the eyes
Each battle my dragon came out in fear.
Trapping my true soul in
the blacked out dungeon
My mind was in a straitjacket
pounding my body against my own walls
RIPPING& TEARING from the inside out
Dying the threads red from the blood of my finger tips in pride to escape
Back in reality
The dragon rampaging throughout my life engulfing my love with it’s hot burning embers
Then one final hot airy breath
I wake up to a humming noise
letting me go from my blacked out dungeon
Blowing the ash away with fresh air from the sky
I cry.