Let's Make a List
What topics, subject matter and opinions that should not be tolerated on this platform? Please include any objectionable words, phrases, historic or religious references. Also helpful suggestions as how to punish offending authors. $5 for the most complete display of intolerance.
On this site
please do write
whatever your heart desires
there will be some
who will be numb
though your soul be afire
others will weep
their tears will seep
from great joy or from sorrow
some may take offense
and comments commence
that tear you apart to the marrow
what to do what to do
when an opposing view
whips your spirit into a frenzy?
Press delete if a comment
is a personal attack by a respondent
or merely abhorrent to your senses
or, if the work of another
is such a bother
read on–thousands more await!